CCURI Network Research Projects
CCURI partner colleges have ongoing research projects in multiple disciplines. Data collected in 2014 shows that 52% of CCURI partners have a research project in the biological sciences, followed by 12% in Chemistry, 9% in each Biotechnology and Environmental Science, 4% in Geology, Physics and Social Sciences and 1% in Engineering and Math. An additional 4% of reported research projects are listed as other.
CCURI is in the process of developing network wide research projects that partners and affiliates can implement on their campuses. If you are a partner or affiliate and are interested in joining one or more of the research network projects, follow the links below for more information.
Resources related to courses that include undergraduate research
In 2013, CCURI collaborated with faculty at University of California San Diego to bring the protocols used in the San Diego Biodiversity Project to CCURI partner colleges. Since the initial workshop in 2013, numerous CCURI partner colleges have used the San Diego Biodiversity Project protocols in the development of biodiversity projects on their own campuses.
In 2015, the CCURI expanded the barcoding biodiversity project to include plant barcoding offering training and protocols for both plant and arthropode barcoding, adapted to the needs of community college faculty and students.
Camera traps (also known as game cameras, trail cameras or remote cameras) are proving to be an effective and engaging tool for undergraduate research (UR). They are particularly well-suited for community college UR for several reasons. First, camera traps are easy to use. This allows students and faculty alike to achieve proficiency in a relatively short period of time. One brand boasts that if you can set an alarm clock you can use their camera. Other makes are more complicated but none are beyond the comprehension of even tech-averse students. Second, they are affordable. Simple field studies can be conducted with a few cameras. The durability of most brands means that the initial investment should allow for many field seasons of use. Third, the data collected from camera traps can be analyzed simply or in a more complicated manner to accommodate a wide-range of instructional needs. Finally, the images are visually appealing and engage students in ways that other methodologies do not.